Friday, April 30, 2010

"We interrupt this program to bring you a VERY, VERY important message!"

Today is Friday, April 30, 2009  2010.  (Yes, it's April, and I'm still not used to the new year.  But that's not what's important here.)

April is a BIG DEAL.  And seeing that it's the last day of the month, I wanted to get this message posted before moving on to ANYTHING else.

April is National Organ Donor Awareness Month - or National Donate Life Month, friends!

As many of you probably already know, organ and tissue donation is a cause that is very near and dear to my heart.  And if you do a little research and think hard, you'll probably learn that it's near and dear to your heart, too.   Chances are, you know someone who is waiting for or who has received a life saving organ transplant.  Unfortunately, you may even know someone who wasn't able to wait long enough.

So here's the deal.  The BIG DEAL.

As of April 27th, there are close to 110,000 American candidates waiting for a life-saving transplant.

Are you an organ and tissue donor?   Are you sure about that?

You know, many states deal with this issue in different ways.  Some states allow you to indicate your wish to donate on your drivers license.  Some states have organ donor cards.  Some states even have an organ donor registry - YES!  (See below for a link to these registries).

Anyone can become a potential organ and tissue donor simply by making the commitment and sharing their decision with loved ones.  Informing next-of-kin is crucial to becoming a donor, even for people who have indicated their wish on their drivers license, carry signed donor cards, or register on the state registry.

Think about it, folks - this is a BIG DEAL.  Please don't assume that your family knows your wishes regarding organ donation, and please don't assume that you know their wishes, either.  Have a talk.  Make sure everyone is clear on the wishes of everyone else in your family.

Your decision to donate and share this with your family could make a life-saving difference for many people.  Plus, you have the potential to improve the quality of life for many, many others.  It's the ultimate gift - making a donation so that others may have the chance to live.  To LIVE, friends!

Have a Heart - Be an Organ and Tissue Donor! 

For more information on becoming an organ and tissue donor, please refer to the following resources:

Donate Life Amerca

United States Government Information on Organ Donation

For a list of state donor registries, please visit:

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Welcome to the party!

I am a gal with a lot to say.  But quite frankly, I'm not sure what to say on this blog.

I am married to a wonderful man, Bradley.  He's the real deal - a real dude's dude.  He loves to fish - I sometimes refer to myself as a bass fisherman's widow - and I joke about his bass boat being his 'one true love'.  I'm only joking (I think).  We've been married for two years now, and when I think about all we have done and been through during our short marriage, a smile comes to my face.  We are great friends, and I'll always be thankful for him.

However, I will probably try NOT to blog about him much.  He's one of those guys who thinks blogging is a bit weird, and he has actually requested to be left out.  So there.  I will, however, refer to him as I feel necessary - especially if he is playing a supporting role (or starring role, for that matter) in my story.

When I told Bradley that I was going to start a blog, it was he who posed the question: "What in the world are you going to blog about?  What do you do or have or want that others want to read about?"

He had a point.

I started following a few blogs a year or so ago (you can find these under my favorite blogs - you'll love them, too!)  When I look back at these now, I realize that most of the blogs I follow revolve around motherhood.  I love the thought of being a mother, and hopefully someday I will be a mother, too.  But I am, in fact, not a mother at the moment.  I won't have any sweet stories about my child hosting a tea party for her baby dolls, or my son learning how to fly a kite.  If not motherhood, then what will be the source of my writing?  Where will I get inspiration?

Well, I don't know.  But I feel certain - CERTAIN -  that I have something interesting to say.  I'm trying to be a better cook, and I'd love to learn more about photography - maybe I'll write about that?  I've joined an online book club - I'm sure I'll write about that.  My Wednesday night Bible study?  Maybe!  How about my travels?  My artsy-craftsy side?  Yes!

Further, I have no idea how often I'll post.  Some of my favorite bloggers post daily - daily!  I can only hope to get that good!  But for now, maybe weekly, maybe monthly, maybe three in one day.  I've never been one for regular scheduling anyway.

Think of it as being like a fortune cookie - you never know what message you'll get, and you never know - maybe you can relate or learn from my experiences.  Or maybe you are just looking to read about some of my more embarrassing moments to make yourself feel a bit better.  Whatever your reason, read on.

Truth be told, (and don't take this the wrong way) I am writing this blog more for me than for anyone else.  It's a way to chronicle my life, my adventures, my challenges and my celebrations!  Even if I don't have any avid readers, this is going to be my way of telling my story.
